Tag Archives: journeytohannah

Consulate Appointment

I am writing this on our last morning in China. I can hardly believe that. Most of our group won’t be leaving until the end of this week, but since our Consulate Appointment was early in the week, we are … Continue reading

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Hannah’s tricks

We are having such a great time learning about our girl. She makes us laugh so many times every day, and our hearts are full at the sight of her smile and the funny things that she does. This is … Continue reading

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Yesterday afternoon we took our flight from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, which is in the southern part of China. This morning, we had to take all of the children for medical exams. These exams are a formality, and by no means … Continue reading

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Visiting the Orphanage

Yesterday we took a day trip that will forever be imprinted on my heart. We went in a van on a 3 hour trip with 2 other families to PuYang City Social Welfare Institute.  This is the orphanage that Hannah … Continue reading

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Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Yesterday we had a touring day.  We drove several hours to Shao Lin Temple.  We walked around the gorgeous temple that housed over a thousand years of Buddhist monks. We also went to a Kung Fu show.  I think that … Continue reading

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