Another week passed in just a blink. We are now a little over halfway into our trip, and I wish it would never end!
We just couldn’t stop talking about how much we loved seeing the Shakespeare performance, so we looked found the city they were going to next and found a bus that would take us there.
We spent the afternoon at these beautiful gardens and grounds. There were big fields to play in and a wooded garden to find fairies. There was a wishing tree to tie ribbons onto. It was an easy afternoon.
Finally we had a picnic and watched an incredible performance of “Hamlet” that night. Every single one of us loved it! I would not have predicted that watching some Shakespeare plays would be high on the list of things we have done for my 6 and 8 year olds, or even my 9 or 11 year olds, but it was just THAT good! We made sure to get front row seats this time. Seriously. anyone traveling to the UK in the summer months need to make it a priority to see “The Three Inch Fools” in person!
The next day we followed an online scavenger hunt that we found around Edinburgh’s “Old Town”. At this point we have walked these streets so many times that we know them very well, but the scavenger hunt led us to some things that we had overlooked for sure. It was a great way to explore the city. We will definitely try another one again sometime!
One of the things on our list was meeting up with a good friend of my aunt, who lives here in Edinburgh. We met her at the National Museum of Scotland, and spend a lovely day together. It is an incredible museum, and besides a days’ worth of hands on activities for the kids, we got to see “Dolly the Sheep“, learn about the history of the asthma inhaler, and see a robot spell our name.
We had heard rave reviews of “Dynamic Earth.” It was easily walkable for us, so we decided to try it, but I honestly didn’t have high expectations. As frequently happens, it then blew me away. There were fantastic interactive and entertaining exhibits about the makeup of the earth. Everyone loved it.
That takes us back to Sunday. This week we attended St. Giles Cathedral. It was incredibly beautiful, and with the paramedics having to rush in part way through the service to attend to someone, it was also unfortunately eventful.
That brings us to today, when we went to Camera Obscura and World of Illusions. Kids loved it all, but the most interesting part was a type of camera that they have at the top of the tower that is 165 years old. They can still manipulate this camera to see the people walking by on the Royal Mile.
We wrapped up the day with Kaitlyn and I riding the Ferris Wheel that she had been too afraid to ride when her siblings did a while back (time feels funny here. How long ago WAS that?!) At any rate, she has been frustrated with herself since not riding, and today she felt determined to do it. I had mixed feelings about this as I was just as happy staying with her on the ground. However, we did it. She was incredibly proud of how brave she was, and I tried to not let on that I was equally proud of myself. That thing is high!
Tomorrow we are leaving Edinburgh for the first time for an adventure in Paris. Shhh- it is a surprise for the kids!