Goodbye China!

We have officially spent our last day in China. The suitcases are packed, and we will leave for the airport in a few hours.  I can’t believe it. I feel like this trip has been an eternity, and yet I feel like it has flown by.

It was absolutely a life impacting trip for all of us. Words just can’t express everything that I am feeling right now.


Now it is time to bring this cute guy home to meet his sisters. That is definitely a moment that I have been waiting for!

Still, I have a lot of emotions about taking Kai out of the country of his birth. He certainly will have many advantages living in the United States, but it will never be the same.  It is not the place where he was born, and he will not be surrounded by his native culture. He will have to come to a place where everyone sounds different and every singe aspect of his life is different.

Adoption is a wonderful thing, and our hearts are certainly full from the blessings that it offers, but it still begins with a story of loss. Kai has already lost so much, and he is about to lose so much more.

Still, he is gaining the love of a forever family. He is too little to comprehend what that means, but someday he will. And we will be loving him every step of the way.


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