Even though the paperwork was finished, we had to wait in Taiyuan until Friday to pick up Kai’s passport. That meant we had a couple of days with nothing we had to do. It was really nice. It was time for us just to be together as a family.
We spent a long time at a park nearby our hotel. The smog was still thick, but we had a great time.
It was just normal, no pressure, fun. Kai has been absolutely fantastic. He has such a sweet disposition. He is easy going and loves to make you laugh. Although I can’t wait until I can understand what he is saying when he chatters away, we are making it through the language barrier just fine. We have figured out that when he is upset he cries for either his shoes or his cup. As long as he has both of those, the world is good. I don’t think it could be going any better.
Yesterday we flew to the city of Guangzhou in southern China. At this point everything for the adoption is finalized on the China side. Now we have to finish from the U.S. side. Kai has to have a physical and apply for his visa. Once we have his visa in hand we are set to go home!
We are having a wonderful time in China, but seeing pictures of my girls trick-or-treating without us last night sure made me feel ready to be home!