Well, a required time of complete isolation seems like a good time to pick up the blog again.
Why did I stop a year ago? There are a lot of answers to that. Life is busy, but it always has been. I think the main answer is that my kids are just older now. There are fewer opportunities to write about the cute and sweet things that they do and more and more chances that I will be overstepping their own needs for privacy if I write about them.
Still, when I look back at the things that I blogged about, I am so glad. So many precious memories are recorded. Perhaps there is a happy medium where I can write a bit while still trying to afford my kids their own autonomy over their lives and stories. I will try to find that balance.

Right now marks day 16 that we have been in “Social Isolation” due to the Coronavirus. We are so fortunate that we are able to isolate in the mountains and have been able to watch spring literally springing forth day by day.

Everyone in this house is handling the isolation with various degrees of acceptance. I have always been curious about what our life would be like if we homeschooled. If you have read my blog at all you know that for the entire season of fall I continually wish that I was homeschooling. Well, here is my chance. It isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
We have fantastic teachers who are working so hard during this time to teach from a distance. That is fantastic. All of the technology that is keeping us connected to teachers and classmates has been fantastic. What is not fantastic is the amount of work we have had. This seems to vary a lot between the people that I know, but we have had a LOT of work. We are filling complete school days and then some. I feel a bit stressed during the school day because someone needs me EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY! That hasn’t been my experience in a number of years and I realize that I slightly miss having just a little bit of quiet time built into my day. Maybe we will get there.
I definitely love having more time with all of the kids. I have been able to see first hand how they handle different academic challenges that come their way, and it has actually been fascinating to me to see the things that are difficult that I wouldn’t expect based on their personalities. It is definitely challenging me to figure them out on another level.

We have also had our share of complete break downs. Possibly a few of them were mine. I’m trying to encourage everyone to give each other a measure of grace as we all handle our many feelings about life right now.
Everyone misses “normal” life. We miss our extended family, our church, our school, our friends, our grocery store, all of it. We aren’t unique in that, I know. That makes most everybody.
But we are also grieving. During this time apart, we lost one of our closest family friends, Ryan, due to cancer. Having to cope with such a huge loss without being able to grieve in community has been incredibly hard. All we want to do is to be with them right now, and we can’t. Zoom is fantastic for so many things, but it is a difficult medium for funerals. And it definitely cannot replace hugs.
So, we are sad. So deeply sad.

Also, we are anxious. This is a terrible time for those of us with anxiety. Kaitlyn was 4 sessions in with her lovely new therapist working on debilitating anxiety when we had to begin isolating. My heart has hurt for her as I can completely identify with everything she was already feeling.
So, we are anxious.
And every single day I am reminded how fortunate we are. It is a privilege to be able to socially isolate, and so many people would love to be able to protect their families in this way who are not able to. I am ultra-aware of our privilege here, and I know it cannot be overstated. We are safe at home, and we are fortunate. And we have had time to pray together every single day for our world.
So, we keep on praying.