Well, it went and happened again- the calendar moved to August and the schools made me send the kids back yet again.
They started two weeks apart, but here we are in 11th, 9th, 8th, and 5th grades. I’m not going to lie, it stings pretty badly having only four photos here instead of five. Feels like a big hole.
We leave tomorrow to take Zac to New York, so my emotions are raw. I know I’m going to have a lot to say about that, but it seems wrong not to give these guys their due.

Kaitlyn graduated from the school she has been at for the last 8 years and has joined Drew in high school. High school. I can’t even believe it.
I didn’t really enjoy high school too much while I was in it. There were a lot of reasons for that, but it is not my favorite time of life to look back on. My hope for these two is that it is a time that is worth reminiscing about when they are adults while still being a time of life they wouldn’t want to do over again. There are too many good life lessons in high school to want it to be too much fun.
But I do want it to be mostly fun. And I want them to continue growing into the kind, thoughtful, big-hearted humans that they both are.

Hannah and Kai started 8th and 5th grade their language immersion school and are doing great. This will be Hannah’s last year there, so we will have to figure out how she can continue working on Mandarin after this year since it is not widely available in high schools. I feel so grateful that Hannah and Kai have been able to study Mandarin throughout their elementary and middle school years. They are both starting to ask when we can take a trip to China, so I know that is on their minds and in their hearts. I’m looking forward to that too.

I have always been the mom who has acutely felt how fast time flies. I never look forward to this day of first day of school photos where the growth of the previous year is glaringly obvious and the clock is loudly ticking toward the day when they too will move out of the picture.
This time is too precious and much too fleeting. I love you all so much, dear ones!