Christmas was all things wonderful.
Visits with Santa
Shopping for Christmas trees (don’t you shop in formal wear??)
School programs with serious kids
Lots of fun with grandparents!
Some first Christmases
Matching PJs, matching dolls…
And my favorite Christmas pageant. Moment to remember: sweet little angel eagerly waving to her cousin the sheep!
Oh, and “Once in Royal David’s City”. That is one brave kid!
Cookies and letters to Santa.
Oh, did you know that Santa RECYCLES?? He does! That is why we left him a big bag of toys to pass on to other kids who could use them!! 🙂And we had some very happy kids!
Many Christmases we have one thing that stands out. Like the year that Drew stated in awe, “I was good?!”, or the year that Kaitlyn walked across the room for the first time. These are the things that live on in family lore.
This year for me it will be Hannah asking Santa for a wishing well. I honestly think this was the smartest thing that any of my kids have ever asked Santa for. I mean, come on, the gift that keeps on giving. And she was so earnestly sweet about it. She already had some of her wishes planned out as things to help me, or things to bring joy to her siblings. Her frequent discourse on the great things she would do with her wishing well brought tears to my eyes several times.
Santa left her a note in this little wishing well telling her that she has been so good, but that he is not allowed to give away magic. I was so worried that she would be crestfallen, but she was THRILLED to get a letter from Santa!! Sweet, sweet girl.
It was truly the most wonderful time of the year.
Happy New Year!!