Preschool Begins

This is once again an overdue post, but Kai finally started school! He had had enough of the days with all of his siblings in school. Every day he asked, “Can I PLEASE go to school TODAY?”

I was so thrilled for him when I could say “Yes!”

This day marked a big one for me. It was the last first day of preschool. For the last 10 years I have had a preschooler, and this will be the end of that era. I will save the rest of my angst about that for my end of the year post. For now, I will just celebrate that Kai is healthy enough to go to school, and he is eager to go every single day. And I remain forever thankful for this school where he is loved and nurtured, and for the teachers who have encouraged me and encouraged my children all along the way.2016-09-15_0001He even gets to be the big cousin going to school, which is a big deal when you are the littlest of five kids at home. 🙂


Have a wonderful year sweet boy!

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