Summer is my happy place

I love summer.I really really really love summer. Some people complain about the heat. I don’t mind it. It is a small price to pay for the freedom from so many responsibilities. It is a small price to pay for a lower pace and more time to relax. A small price to pay to have my kids home.

I am still slightly in denial that summer is ending, so this is not yet my regular end of summer weepy post. Right now I am just reflecting on this summer and thinking about all the things I loved about it.

I loved swimming. The pool is a place where I find it so easy just to PLAY with my kids. No other distractions, it is easy just to make up games, and laugh and play.
I loved swim team. Both for myself with my super fun neighbors, and for my kids. I started the summer with only two kids who could swim, and I am ending the summer with 4 swimmers. I love seeing the joy that swim team brought all of my kids, but especially Zac. Zac worked so hard this summer, and he saw it pay off. I saw a new kid emerge as he gained so much confidence in himself. I feel emotional every time I think about how proud he was of himself, and he so deserved to be.
2015-08-10_0007Our littlest guy did NOT love swimming, but he found some ways to enjoy the water. 🙂2015-08-10_0004I loved watching the kids play tennis. Swimming is my happy place, but watching them enjoy tennis reminds me of my husband, and he is my happiest place.2015-08-10_0009I loved getting to take a last minute vacation with my favorite circus. When Kai got the all clear from the doctor we got in the car for a few days of pure fun.2015-08-10_0011

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This is backtracking a bit, but I loved celebrating the 4th of July with our family in the mountains. We had such a fun time getting ready for the bike parade, and Hannah and Drew took home medals. We had a wonderful day with lots of good food, sparklers, water balloons, and fireworks.2015-08-10_0002 2015-08-10_0001I loved our week of vacation bible school, also in the mountains. 2015-08-10_0006I loved fun times with cousins.

2015-08-10_0014 2015-08-10_0003And I loved plain old fun.
Going to the park.2015-08-10_0019 Making a video at the Childrens’ Museum.2015-08-10_0017 2015-08-10_0018

Just goofing off and being silly.2015-08-10_0005I love summer. I love my kids. I love the memories we make together. I’m trying to savor every minute, but I wish summer would just stay a while longer.

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