We are now 30 minutes away from being picked up go to Little Flower. I am shaking from nerves. There are really no words to express the emotions that are flying through me as we get ready to meet our son. It is a moment that is so huge that I can’t fully process it. I have moved into auto-pilot.
10 more minutes! Presents are packed for all of Kai’s foster siblings and foster parents. Presents are packed for Kai. Donations are ready for Little Flower.
I can’t believe this is actually happening. I can remember so well the feelings that went through me when I first saw his gorgeous face.
I remember my apprehension as I tentatively showed Jeff his picture several months later.
I savored every mention of him on the Little Flower blog and facebook page.
I was thrilled when I told my family about him and they encouraged us to go for it.
I was encouraged so many days when my children talked about him with joy and eagerness.
So many months of wishing, hoping, praying.
All coming down to today.
7 minutes now.
Here we go!