First Care Package!

We have now sent 2 packages to our little guy.  Unfortunately the first one disappeared somewhere between here and China.  Luckily the second one made it there. Even better than that, we actually have pictures of him seeing our faces for the first time. Priceless!



2014-04-17_0003Look at that little guy holding the album with his picture on the front with the words “My Family”.  You do indeed have a family, sweet boy.  We are getting to you as quickly as we can!

2014-04-17_0001Here is a beautiful sight.  All but one of the papers for our dossier.  Notarized, certified by the county that each document originated from, sealed from the state, and authenticated by the Chinese consulate.

Our immigration approval should arrive in the mail tomorrow.  I will quickly go through the steps with it and then our papers can finally head to China!!

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