Paperwork frenzy!

I was hoping that the next time I blogged that I would be sharing pictures and the whole story about our new little guy.  Unfortunately we have not yet gotten our first approval from China, but as soon as we do I will be showing off his adorableness!

Right now I am in over my head with paperwork.  Unfortunately when you adopt from China, you only have one year to re-use your documents.  Since it has been 2 1/2 years for us it was back to square 1.

The good news is that I have done this before and I know what I have to do.  The bad news is that we have done this before and I know what I have to do!

Here is a list of things that my Social Worker has requested for our home study.  Our home study is just one of about 15 things that will eventually be sent to China.

-Copy of your current  water bill or if you have a well then an inspection report/letter dated within the last 10 months
-Copy of your current sewer bill if you are on a public sewer system; if you have a septic tank please provide documentation from the last 10 months that your system is in good working order
-Copy of your pet’s vaccinations
-Directions to your home  from closest interstate
-Floor plan of your home (hand drawn is fine)
-Copy of birth certificates for each household member
-Reference form-Please give the attached form to three  or four references and ask them to snail me the completed forms back to me. One of these references should be a relative that does not live in your home.
-Health form- to be completed by a pediatrician for each child in the home.
-Behavior Management Form- Explaining methods of discipline used in your home
-DHS form- This is for a GA child abuse clearance to be completed- please complete one for Jeff and one for Emily
-Copy of your health insurance cards
-Autobiography for both Jeff and Emily
-Prior Work with Children form – if you have worked with children in the last five years as a teacher, coach, mentor, tutor, etc please  also list a reference for me to contact.
-Safe Home Checklist- we will go over this together at our visit
-Residential History form- Includes listing every state lived in since the age of 18 in order to obtain child abuse clearance reports from each of these states
-Guardianship form- Detailing the guardianship plan for your adopted child
-adoption petition- Letter detailing your plans to adopt this particular child
-Copy of your Letter of Intent (LOI)- A China requirement in order to convey to the Chinese government the plan of care for the potential adopted child
-Letter of Employment/job verification letter for Jeff
-Non-employment statement- Emily
-Physical exam form for both Jeff and Emily
-Police clearances for Jeff and Emily
-Financial statement

Phew.  If you are waiting for me to do something for you, or return a phone call, etc., I’m sorry if I am behind.  This is why!

But here is a good reminder of why we are doing it!

2014-01-18_0001So very worth it!


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