Ok, I have not done a very good job of blogging lately. That must change! Here is a quick overview and catch-up so I can get back to talking about some of the day-to-day craziness around our circus.

D graduated from Kindergarten. He was full of smiles, and I was the crazy mom crying in the front row.

We went on a wonderful Disney cruise with some of our favorite friends. It was a perfect way to kick off the summer.

Hannah started the summer screaming in terror when I took her in the pool. She is getting better every day.

We have been enjoying family time in the mountains every chance that we can get.

Here is a rare shot of Z without a book in his hands. I have loved watching him become such an avid reader.

The boys started swimming on our neighborhood team. Competitive swimming is not something that really comes naturally to either one of them. Still, they have blown me away with their hard work and dedication. I am so proud of these guys!!

There is always time for some ice cream!
Can I just say that I love summer?!?! I love having the kids here, I love our relaxed pace, I love the fun things we are able to do together. I wish it was summer all the time!! 🙂