I have a wonderful husband. Like a really, truly, fantastically wonderful husband. He is incredibly thoughtful and giving. This Christmas, he really outdid himself for me.
Let me back up. Since we were first thinking about adopting from China, I have been reading various blogs of other adoptive families. There are a few blogs that I continue to read faithfully. The blogs that are currently my favorite are the few that mix two of my favorite passions; adoption from China and photography. Since K was a baby, I have been diligently working to become a better photographer. As I watch my children grow so quickly, I have a deep desire to capture as many moments as humanly possible.
So, one of my favorite blogs is: The Long Road to China. The woman who writes this blog, Lisa, is a mom of 3 kids, one from China, and a FANTASTIC photographer. I have been taking some online classes from Lisa over the last few months, which has been great!
So, one of the great things about Lisa is that she donates a portion of her proceeds to benefit orphans in China. Here is a section from her blog:
“Through this project “Visions of Hope” my passion for photography and adoption will be brought together. I will teach others about photography and how to use their cameras to capture those special moments and then donate a portion of the proceeds from these classes to Half The Sky which will ultimately benefit the children that are still residing in orphanages throughout China.”
So, that lets you know a little bit about the wonderful person that Lisa is, and if you know me, why I have loved getting to know her a little bit.
For Christmas Lisa and a few other adoptive moms did a fund raiser to raise money for different organizations in China. One thing that Lisa donated was a weekend with her, learning photography.
I have never wanted to win a contest so badly. I entered myself multiple times. I made Jeff enter. I begged my mother and my siblings to enter. Of course I knew it was a long shot, but I was still disappointed when I didn’t win (although she raised a good bit of money for orphans in China, so who can feel disappointed about that? 🙂 ).
After the contest, my wonderful husband contacted Lisa, and told her how badly I had wanted to win, and asked if there was any possibility that she would offer another weekend class that he could give me for Christmas. She said yes; so I am headed to meet her for a weekend in April! 😉
I can’t remember being so excited about a gift. I think I was jumping and screaming. I know that Z said that I was acting like a little kid. The smile did not leave my face for days. 🙂
So, thank you to my wonderful husband. I love that you know me so well, and that you made this happen for me. 🙂 Thank you, Lisa. I can’t wait to start sharing my new and improved pictures!