We had a really fantastic weekend around our house.
For one thing, we had our one year visit with our social worker! We only have 10 more days until our one year Hannah day. We have to have these visits for another four years, but we enjoy the chance to show off our girl! 🙂
We also had some great family time by having a family camp out in the backyard. The kids have been asking to do this for a very long time, and I’m so glad that we finally were able to make it happen.

We ended the night with ghost stories told by D. 5 year olds have an interesting concept of ghost stories. I'm not exactly sure what was happening, but we all ended up laughing.
Hannah was deemed too young to sleep in the tent this time, so I went inside when everyone was fading off to sleep inside with her. I look forward to the time when I won’t have to miss the middle of the night snuggling in the tent. 🙂 Can’t wait.