To the random woman in the lobby

Today the boys had their annual check up.  I had a conversation in the lobby with a woman that went something like this,

Random woman in lobby- “Are those your boys?  Are they twins?”

Me-  “No, they are actually 2 years apart, they just happen to be the same size.”

Woman, looking skeptical- “Oh.  I wondered. You have more kids?”

Me: ” Yes.  We actually have 2 girls at home too.”

Woman, looking at me in disgust-  “YOU birthed FOUR kids?!”

Me:  “Well, actually our last one is adopted.  We just brought her home from China last October.”

Woman, now looking at me like I am insane:  “You CRAZY!”

Me:  Laugh

Woman, continuing looks of disgust, “I am serious.  You are CRAZY.  You had three little kids, and then you CHOSE to make your life harder.  You know that song, ‘I’m no Superman’?  You need to let your husband listen to that”.

At that, I broke myself away.  I wish that I had been quick enough to come up with a good reply, but later I thought that I should have told her something that I heard from another adoptive mom, “If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart”.  That about covers it.

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