We made it!

Good morning from Beijing!!  I am so incredibly happy to be here, it is hard to put into words. All of the anxiety of the last few days has disappeared and I have moved to complete excitement and happiness.  This is absolutely an adventure of a lifetime, and I am so happy that it is here!!!

Our flights went really well, and thankfully for me (the terrified flyer), it was extremely smooth.  The seatbelt light never even came on for the almost 15 hour flight!  We had individual TV screens in the back of the seats of the airplane that had movies, television shows, and games.  Z was completely happy and occupied for almost the entire flight.  I wouldn’t say the food was fantastic.  Z got fish flavored chips in his kids meal.  I’m guessing that is just the beginning of our food adventures. 🙂 None of us slept very much, but really I think that was for the best since we were able to fall into bed at the hotel last night and sleep through the night, so hopefully we are on our way to adjusting to the 12 hour time change.

We met several families from our agency last night, and should meet as many as 9 others this morning.  Several other families brought children, so I’m hoping Z will have some kids to play with at times.

Here are some pics of the beginning of our journey:

About to board the biggest plane I have ever seen!

Over a mountain range in Russia.  We also flew close to the North Pole!

A brief stop in the Seoul airport

Finally in Beijing!

Our first hotel room.  The beds are barely bigger than twin beds, but there was no complaining from us after our 24 hours of traveling! 🙂

This morning we head out to tour around Beijing! 🙂

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