One year ago today, our sweet Hannah was placed in our arms. It is incredible to think about that moment. That day will always remain one of the most significant, powerful, and wonderful days of my life. We are so thankful for Hannah. She is a true blessing in our lives and in our family.
I haven’t really decided how we will celebrate this special day in future years. This year, we will be taking the girls on a plane today to go to Orlando for a Disney Cruise with our adoption agency, who is celebrating their 20th anniversary. We are so excited to reconnect with some of our friends who are also celebrating today, as well as meet new friends in the adoption world.
Happy Forever Family Day, Hannah! We all love you so much!
And to everyone in our travel group, you are in our hearts today. I’m so thankful for the amazing experience that we all got to share, and for the beautiful children that are with their families today.