Last Few Days in Annecy

We tried to soak up every minute of our last few days in gorgeous Annecy.

I could never get over these gorgeous vistas around every corner. Every day I just looked around in awe. I don’t think any of the pictures really do it justice. It is breathtaking!

Our favorite thing to do everyday was spend time out on the lake. Since we were there during a highly unusual heat wave, it was a relief to have a way to cool off. The first several days we rented paddle boats with slides, and then we upgraded to small motorboats. The kids swam, made up games and had regular competitions of all sorts. We had one exciting day that the boat stopped working in the middle of the lake and we had to be rescued and the boat towed back in. Even during that we laughed at the adventure of it all and the story we would have to tell.

We enjoyed all of our favorite foods. For dinners our favorite thing was something the kids call a “free for all” where we have a variety of foods served family style. We loved our local bakery and fruit and veggie stand. I am so going to miss being able to walk down a short street and buy all of the fresh foods that I could need for a dinner for nine. We all agreed that the fruit was far superior to the fruit that we get at home. The raspberries and peaches were divine, and the strawberries so good that they could have been candy.

Crepes were delicious, and by far one of my favorite things, although half the family preferred gelato, which is why they aren’t pictured here. 😉

We enjoyed serious card playing in the evenings in our flat.
According to legend, if you kiss in the middle of this bridge you will stay together forever, so of course we had to do that.
This was the night view from Drew and Kai’s room.
Turns out I’m even going to miss having to take 70 stairs up into our flat. I’m going to miss it all.

This trip was absolutely incredible for so many reasons, but the best part, as always, was the chance to just be together. As the kids get older it is harder and harder to spend time all together, and there is a constant time clock in the back of my head reminding me how fast the time is moving toward the day we send our first one out into the world. So thankful that I have this treasure trove of memories to hold onto for now.

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