Okay, I keep having things that I want to write about and I feel like I can’t because I haven’t even acknowledged that my girls turned another year older. Two months ago. Pitiful.
So here is our spring recap so we can get back to business here.
The girls were very well celebrated by family and friends as they turned 6 and 5! Seeing their faces when Supergirl walked in the door was priceless!
We had a fantastic Easter, complete with dyeing eggs, multiple egg hunts, and fun with the bunny. Kai was a big fan of this holiday, pretty much all around.The girls requested a real tea party, so we made that happen. My girls are so lucky to have the best aunties in the world!
Spring break was great fun in the mountains with dear friends.
Lots of cousin fun around here.
Oh my, stitches again. He handled it pretty well this time. 🙂
New glasses. New haircut.Um, a few tantrums…….
Dance recital magic.The end of an era as Kaitlyn finishes her time with her daddy as her soccer coach. It will be Hannah’s turn next, but this girl sure loved playing with her best friends and her dad for 4 seasons!
And still more doctor visits with this guy. He will be having his first surgery in July. Luckily he has decided that doctors are okay after all.Alright, update complete! On with our next adventures. I really hope to blog about them. 🙂