We Are Off!

Here we go!  2014-10-21_0004

We are literally sitting in the airport waiting to board the plane for the first leg in our journey to get our little guy.

Our hearts are full with all of the loving support we have had over the last few days.  My wonderful friends even surprised me with a “100 Wishes Quilt” for Kai.  I was so touched by all of the loving messages that were sent with all of the carefully chosen fabrics.  It is truly a gift that will be treasured always!


It was the perfect finishing touch for his room.  I can’t wait to have that sweet guy home to see it!


It was a hard goodbye for me with these sweet girls.  They will be in wonderful, loving hands, but oh my heart is aching. This is the paper chain that I made for them to be able to count down the days until we get home.  I can’t wait for those hugs!


Next post will be from Beijing, China!


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