The Final Countdown

4 days.  We leave for China in 4 days!!  The chart is complete, the tickets are booked, the piles of things to pack are everywhere.  I think this is really going to happen.

To be honest, I’m an emotional mess.  I can go from feeling incredible excitement to being curled up in tears in a matter of moments.  It is all so real.  And so big.

I can’t wait to meet our new little guy.  I’m terrified to meet our new little guy.  I’m asking whether I can do this.  I feel confident that I can do this.  I’m ready to jump on that plane. I’m terrified to get on that plane.  I’m so excited to spend the next couple of weeks with all of my special guys.  I’m broken hearted about leaving my precious girls.

Yep, I’m all over the place.  That is me.  My husband once said to me, “You have a lot of feelings.”  It has since become a joke between us because yes, I do have a lot of feelings. He can have a hard time keeping up.

What I do know is that for the last 10 years we have been building our family.  In a very short time that era of our life will be over, and we will be focused solely on raising our family.  It is a bittersweet feeling to know that that time of our life is over.  Mostly sweet I think.



This little guy will soon be Kai.  Our youngest son. A beautiful grandson. A spunky little brother.  A sweet cousin.  An adorable nephew.  He has so many people eager and ready to love on him.

Bring on this next adventure!


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