Our Little Tree

Our dear Z has such a compassionate heart.  Sometimes this causes great pain for him. One of the times that we annually expect him to be distraught is when we are picking our Christmas tree. Usually Jeff and I take the others and look for our perfect tree while Z sits in the car and cries.  Our drive home usually includes some angry looks and comments about being “tree murderers”.

Although we feel badly for him, we just keep getting Christmas trees.

This year, however, I thought I found the perfect solution.  I found a company that delivers a live Christmas tree in a pot.  After Christmas they come to pick it up and keep it at a nursery through the year.  If you would like to have the same tree again next year, you can do that.  It really is a wonderful concept.

We were so excited to see the tree that we had ordered.


I think it is a little bit hard to tell in the picture, but the tree itself is TINY.  I think we had a bigger tree when we were first married and living in an apartment.

Although it has taken some getting used to, I am now loving our little tree.  It was all worth it when Z tried to hug it. 🙂

Next year we will probably go back to a regular size tree, but this one’s for you, Z!


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