Okay, you are probably looking at this post and thinking that I meant to send this out a long time ago, right? I wish. Instead, I am writing this post about my almost FOUR year old. Yikes. I am hanging my head in shame that this is so overdue, but at the same time I am celebrating that at least we are here now!
Anyway, my first 3 kids all loved their pacifiers. REALLY loved them. Still, getting rid of them for the boys was not too traumatic. For both of them, it happened when they were about 2 1/2. Following some advice from a friend, we put some “Thum” on their pacis, which made them tingle/ burn in their mouths. For a while we had been telling them that they were turning “big” now, and that meant that soon their pacis would turn hot. Well, when the day came that their pacis turned hot, we basically turned it into a celebration day for our little guys turning into big boys. We had a fun dinner complete with a new toy. They pretty much never looked back.
Of course after 2 successes I thought I had this whole situation under control when child #3 turned 2 1/2. Ha ha. We went through the same exact process, with entirely different results. We held out for 2 weeks before we bought her a whole new bundle of pacis and begged her to use them. That girl would NOT sleep without one.
I didn’t know what we were going to do. Miss K is pretty strong willed. I thought she might still be sleeping with one when she got to middle school.
Anyway, the dentist said that it was fine as long as she got rid of it by the time she turned four. For some reason, K thought that the dentist said that if she had the paci when she turned four that her teeth would fall out. One evening her dear big brother felt in her mouth and said, “yep, I think I feel them already getting loose”. That was it. That girl never touched her paci again!!!!! It has been over a month now, so I feel like I can finally actually accept that we are in the clear.
It is crazy. For months I have been dreading taking away this paci, and thinking about how upset she would be since she loved it so much, and all I needed was some intervention from her big brother.
These were some celebration m&ms that she picked out. My favorite m&ms of my whole life.