Crazy Kids

I never know what I might come across after the kids go to bed at night.  Here are two of my favorites from yesterday:

Someone, who said they ate all of their spinach, obviously did not.  She pulled the old “hide it in the cup trick”. After a little detective work it turns out that this was Hannah!  I think she learned this from my husband.

Here is what I found when I went upstairs:

That is my little guy’s toothbrush, attached to the wall.  I guess you never know when you might need to grab your toothbrush in a hurry? 🙂


Hannah strikes again.  Apparently she thought she could “help” Z with his homework. See the nice “H” on it?  At least she left her signature, so I know who the little helper was.  I hope his teacher will accept an apology letter from me…




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