Christmas 2012

I love Christmas.  I love the joyful spirit.  I love watching children singing Christmas songs while dressed as angels and shepherds.  I love having little children at my house whose anticipation grows by the minute.

I love the chance to talk to my children about the meaning of Christmas, and why we celebrate the birth of Christ.  This year, I have loved listening to my 2 year old, who not so long  ago was living in a Chinese orphanage saying, “Glory to God in the Highest Heaven, and peace on Earth to all God’s people”.  It makes me want to cry tears of joy each and every time.

This year I am also filled with joy and love for my wonderful husband, who is unbelievably thoughtful and giving.  More on that to come…

For now, Merry Christmas!  I wish you all a joyful, love filled day.


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