Visit with Evie

Last week, we were so excited to see another family that we traveled with to China.  Since the day that we landed back in the United States, I have looked forward to updates from the other families.  I tore open all of our Christmas cards from these special friends, eager to see the progress of the other babies.  I feel so connected to all of these families, who were forever changed in the same room that we were.

Evie’s family was driving through our city, and stopped to spend the night with us.  We were all thrilled!  It was incredible to see these two girls side by side who were both born with serious special needs around the world, and are now so deeply loved and cherished here with their families.

I know that Hannah can’t understand yet how special these connections are, but someday she will.

Thanks for the visit, Kuo family!  We all loved seeing you!!

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