We have spent a wonderful week together in the mountains for the kids’ spring break. Unfortunately we have had to stay inside because my boys have had terrible allergies to the pollen. This is what poor D looked like one day when he woke up:
Even being cooped up inside, it has been so nice to be together without the frantic running around that is our regular day to day life.
I’m sad that they go back to school on Monday. Most of my friends look at me like I have 2 heads when I say things like that, but it is true. I miss them when they are at school. Especially Z who is in school all day for first grade. It still feels strange to hand him over to his teachers who have him for more hours of the day than I do. I don’t think I’m cut out for homeschooling, but I can definitely understand the appeal!
So glad that summer will be here soon and we can spend more time snuggling together on the couch, and less time frantically rushing to be in the next place we are supposed to be. Looking forward to just being able to breathe!