Amazing news!

Today has ended up being an amazing day.  This afternoon, we got our fingerprint appointments from U.S. Immigration.  This is really the last thing that we have to DO at this point in the process (besides wait…).  I was pretty happy about this this afternoon.

Then, we got an AMAZING update about our girl (we are calling her Min for now 🙂 ).

As I write this, I am realizing that I need to back track a minute.  I know I said briefly that she has a heart condition, but I never fully explained that.  The reports that we were given with her initial file stated that she had “Tetrology of Fallot”.  This is a Complex Congenital Heart Defect, and involved four different malfunctions in the heart.  Obviously, this was scary news.  When we initially reviewed her file, we consulted with several different Pediatric Cardiologists who explained the terminology, and gave us their best assessment of her situation.  They all agree that although her situation was serious, she would be a good surgical candidate.  The one problem?  They all thought she needed the surgery NOW.  They said that 10 months old would be an optimal time for the surgery.  When I explained that I didn’t have control over that part of the equation, knowing that it could be at least 6 months before we would have her, they all just encouraged me to get her to a doctor as soon as possible.

We had to carefully discuss and consider what her situation meant, and would mean to our family.  What we decided was that she was the child who was brought to us.  We already loved her, and we knew we would do everything humanly possible to get her here as quickly as possible so we could get her the medical care that she needed.

The waiting has been especially hard knowing that she has needed the surgery.  Every day that has passed, I have thought about it being another day that could be causing damage to her little heart and lungs.  I wrote heartfelt letters to U.S. Immigration and my agency begging them to expedite the process so we could get her the surgery.

Tonight I got an amazing e-mail that told me that Min actually had her surgery in December.  That means that she had her surgery weeks before we even first got the call about her.  Although it breaks my heart that this baby had to spend 5 WEEKS in the hospital without parents there to hold her hand, her reports say that she is doing well, and describe her as “healthy” .  This just feels like an absolute miracle.

I am so beyond thankful for this wonderful and amazing news.  We already love this girl, and we have been prepared to advocate for her and to get this surgery for her, but knowing that she did not have to wait for us is an unbelievable relief.

And to top it all off, we got these wonderful pictures today.  She looks so happy.  And healthy.  We are saying great prayers of thanks tonight!!

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