A couple of weeks ago, my husband found out that he had the chance to go to London. We had been trying to figure out some sort of special trip that the two of us could take together for our 10th wedding anniverary since last June, so we decided that this could be our trip!
I am not a great traveler. For one thing, I HATE flying. As in: I shake, tremble, feel sick to my stomach, and cry. I’m basically petrified. Yeah, I’m a joy to be with.
For another thing, I truly hate leaving my circus. Sure, days can be long sometimes, and there are days that I long to sit down for more than 2 minutes, but at the end of the day, there is truly no where that I would rather be. I love knowing that my little ones are safe and sound where I can love on them whenever I want to.
I had a hard time leaving, knowing that I would be so far away. Here I am, checking on them already during our layover.
My sweet Z was absolutely awesome telling me goodbye. He hugged me and hugged me, and told me that he would miss me so much. Then he said, “Mommy, don’t worry. You are going to have a great time, and everything is going to be fine!”. How did he get so smart? 🙂 D was busy playing as I was getting ready to leave, and Z yells at him, “D, you give Mommy hugs right now. It isn’t all about you!”. 🙂 That gave me some much needed laughs as I made my way out of the door.
So, anyway, we made it here. I am missing my 3 kiddos, but happy to be spending some time with the love of my life. After all, I have him to thank for the joy I have in my life every day. This is my first time in Europe, and there is no one that I would rather be with.