K Update

We  just had a really great night.  One of those nights that I want to have burned in my memory forever so I can go back to the happiness any time.  It was a beautiful picture of all 3 kids happily dancing together to the music, each of them learning new moves from each other, and the smiles and laughter went on and on.  I loved it!

It was an evening that we have all been needing, I think.  K is absolutely doing great.  Her hand is still bandaged, but she gets around just fine with it.  She is sleeping well, and doesn’t seem to be in pain.  For me, however, my heart still aches, and sleep seems like a distant memory.

On Thursday, we will go to an appointment with the plastic surgeon.  They told me to expect 2 to 3 hours for that appointment.  They will re-evaluate her x-rays, examine the cuts, decide whether her fingernail needs to be removed, and she will be evaluated by a physical therapist for any nerve damage.  If, in any of these examinations, there is something surgical that needs to be done, that will happen on Thursday also.  My gut tells me that she is going to be just fine, and no surgery will be necessary.  Still, I will be glad when that appointment is over.

I want to say thank you so much for all of the support that we have gotten over the last few days.  It has meant so much to me to hear the encouraging words of so many people that we care about, not to mention the shared stories of the things that kids can get into.  Thank you!!  I will update again on Thursday!

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