Just Another Day

I started telling a friend about our last couple of days, and I just had to laugh.  (It seemed better than crying).

Let’s start with yesterday afternoon.  One of our dogs, Parker, has four infected paws. 🙁  Unfortunately my life as a baby- mom has made me not quite as good of a dog-mom, or maybe I would have realized this sooner.  Anyway, the vet prescribed 2 pills for her, plus 2 topical medications.  She warned us that the steroid she is giving the dog might make her drink more than normal, and have “more urine than normal”.  Well, as I got home from the doctor with all 3 kids yesterday afternoon, I walk in to a line of “more urine than normal” all around my kitchen!  Ahh!

So, I unload everyone from the car, give them strict instructions to stay on the couch so that I can scrub the kitchen.  Well, as I dealt with the dog mess, D peaks his head around looking sheepish.  Yep, he wet his pants.  On the couch.  I think he even realized what bad timing this was as he just looked at me and said, “I so sorry”.  Aww.

So, clean the kitchen, clean the sweet boy, clean the couch cushion.  Hope for a better day the next day.

Wake up to get ready to take Z to the dentist for his first filling.  🙁  I go to feed the baby before I have to leave, and she has a fever (thanks to the 4 shots she got yesterday).  So, I sadly leave my pitiful baby girl to take Z.  When we get there, they tell me that I have to wait in the waiting room, and my heart breaks again watching him walk away with such a trusting look on his face.  He did great, but then cried all the way home saying he really needed to find his lips and his cheek!

When we got home, the boys went to visit Grandma for a little while so that I could take care of the still-pitiful baby girl.

The boys then return to a quiet and clean house which they promptly destroy.  (And I ask myself yet again, “Why do you bother cleaning?”)

We have lunch, and the boys go to their rooms for “rest time”.  No rest actually occurs.  Both of their rooms now are disasters.  Oh well.

After rest time, we spend some time together, and I tell them that they have to clean up a little bit before dinner.  Z is very sweet and agreeable, but the little guy will NOT help clean up.  He sits in time out.  I tell him that he can get up as soon as he will help clean up the blocks.  He sat in time out for AGES!  I finished cooking dinner, and Z and I sat down and ate it, and D STILL would not pick up a single block.  Grandma comes over, and he runs to hug her while giving me dirty looks.  Sigh.

It is open- house at the little guy’s preschool, so we get ready to leave but he will NOT use the bathroom.  At this point, I don’t have any fight left in me, so we just go anyway.  We get to meet the new teachers, see all of the class artwork, meet the other parents, etc.  I was really enjoying myself until the little guy has another accident.  Do I have spare clothes with me?  No.  And I now get to be the parent that his new teachers will remember for being on my hands and knees scrubbing the classroom carpet while the other families were enjoying cookies and lemonade.

We then got home, and Z had talked his Grandma into giving him Silly Puddy.  He isn’t allowed to have Silly Puddy right now since he got it stuck all over the couch and carpet.  He knows this.  I’m pretty sure I actually did have steam flowing from my ears at this point.  Luckily, Daddy was back from out of town (did I forget to mention that he had been gone for a few days?).  He took over with the boys while I sat down for some ice cream!

My husband and I love Phil Vassar’s song, “Just Another Day in Paradise”.  As things get crazier and crazier, I catch myself singing it.  I think it is kind of like therapy for me.   🙂

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