
Last week our family returned from a trip that I have been wanting to take for as long as I can remember, to Alaska.  It is going to be difficult to put into words how absolutely amazing this vacation was. It will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.

2014-08-16_0009We started out on a cruise with some of our very favorite family.  We enjoyed every minute on the boat.

2014-08-16_0013We saw a Lumberjack show in Ketchican.  The rainiest city in the U.S.2014-08-16_0002 2014-08-16_0001We saw a breathtaking group of whales in Juneau.

2014-08-16_0003 2014-08-16_0004We panned for gold, met an Iditarod Musher, and got to play with sled dog puppies in Skagway.2014-08-16_0007 2014-08-16_0006 2014-08-16_0005

We were overwhelmed with our views of mountains and glaciers.

2014-08-16_0012We enjoyed good food, but mostly good company.


After the cruise we took a land tour through Denali State Park.

It was too cloudy to see Mt. McKinley (Denali), but the views were still incredible.


We ended the trip in Fairbanks.  This trip was absolutely a dream come true.  It made our summer!2014-08-16_0011


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