
I have recently taken up photography as my first “hobby” in many years.  I thought I would share a few of my favorite so far.  (Note-  this is a very NEW hobby.  I will post more pictures as I learn more! 🙂 )

Z-  4 1/2

Z- 4 1/2

D-  2 1/2

D- 2 1/2

Picture of K coming soon!  (As soon as I can take one that I like as much as the ones my sister-in-laws have taken! 🙂 )

We have just had a wonderful day today.  I guess the stars have all aligned. 🙂  I had all 3 of them at Target today and a woman stopped me to comment on how well behaved my children were.  I started to burst out laughing, but I just accepted the compliment, and bought the boys some new books to celebrate. 🙂

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