Back to life. Back to reality.
These cuties are back to school now.
Of course, like normal, I am missing them like crazy.
7th, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grades. How did this happen?
Why can’t time slow down???
This year was a bit different from previous years. Usually I pack our last few weeks of summer with long days of fun, and try to savor every last minute of summer. I take the kids back to school shopping and they have new shoes, new lunch boxes, etc. We have a big last day of summer dinner.
This year I wasn’t able to do that. And the first day of school came anyway. And everyone was absolutely fine. They were thrilled to go back to school, and turns out their old lunch boxes still worked.
I could not love these people any more than I do. They are my hearts walking around outside of my body. I pray that this year, and all the people they are surrounded with, are good to them.