Treasuring the Moment

My husband and I just got home from a trip.  With no, I repeat NO children.

I’m not the kind of parent that has an easy time leaving my kids.  I stressed about it for days leading up to it, and I was wiping away tears halfway to the airport.  As soon as we got there though, I was good to go.  In fact, I might have had to wipe away a few tears on our way to the airport back home. 🙂

People love to tell moms of young children to, “treasure every minute”, because “it will be over before you know it”.  I assume that these people mean well, and are trying to pass on sentimental heart-felt advice.  The problem with that for me, however, is that I already feel acutely aware of how quickly time flies.  I think all the time about how little time we get with our “little” kids.  I worry about a future where I will feel all to aware of my empty arms and quiet house.  These heart-felt words then fill me with sadness and dread.

This trip helped me with those feelings.  It reminded me of the person that was enjoying this life with me before these kids came along.  It reminded me that(God willing), I will have this person there beside me as we one by one send our children out of our house and out into the world.  It reminded me that our time just together is also precious.  It reminded me that I will still have a lot to look forward to.  Next time someone tells me to treasure every moment, I’m just going to smile.

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