Phew, just in time for Thanksgiving, we have completed a busy week of birthday celebrations as D turned 6 and Z turned 8.
2 class parties, 2 friend parties, 1 big family party, and we have 2 well celebrated boys.
D wanted a Power Rangers party, so we had 11 boys to our house for “Power Ranger Training Camp”.
Let me stress that these were 11 VERY energetic boys. My friends shook their heads at me for having so many, but D is a social guy. His little heart couldn’t bear to take anyone off the list, so we had to make it happen.
They had to pass various skill tests such as balance, teamwork, and strength.


Oh, and this happened. The boys had a great time, but I am thanking my lucky stars that we had no injuries!
I think I passed my Power Ranger mom test. At least I hope so. I sure do love that boy.
Z chose to have a rock climbing birthday to celebrate his 8th birthday.
Complete with a dirt cake.
He had a fantastic time playing with his friends. He was one really happy guy.
With a very happy little brother to be included.
It really was a great week of celebrating my two favorite little guys, and remembering their entrance into our lives. Sometimes my heart could just burst.
Happy birthday boys!!!