The Big News!!

I have been waiting and waiting to be able to write this post.  We now know our new daughter!!!

This is Pu Min Han.  She lives in the Henan province in China, and we are totally in love with her.

Today we received our “Pre Approval” from China to adopt Min Han.  I had to wait for this approval to share this wonderful news publicly, but it has been so hard!

Now, please do me a favor.  I love to hear people say that they have read my blog.  If you are one of my wonderful readers, PLEASE leave me a comment and tell me what you think we should name her.  No promises here, but we are really open to some ideas. 🙂

More details to come on how this all happened!!  Meanwhile, please pray for our girl!  (And leave me a name! 🙂 )

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